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Digital Temperature Controller Dual Probe Reptile Thermostat Controlled Outlet for Terrarium Heat Mat Heating Pad, Switch Cooling Fan Freezer Fridge ON & Off at Setpoints 10A 1200W
Good Condition
MSRP is a sample online retail price.
Last Update:
03/14/2025, 1:19 AM ESTItem Information
MSRP is a sample online retail price.
Good Condition
1. How Pymeter control temperature?Temperature controller is actual Heating/Cooling controller, thus MUST SET ON-Temp to turn ON Heating/Cooling, and MUST SET OFF-Temp to turn OFF Heating/Cooling.Heating starts at LOW Temp [ON-Temp(1oN, 2oN)], stops at HIGH Temp [OFF-Temp(1oF, 2oF)], thus for heating MUST SET 1oN(2oN) LESS than 1oF(2oF);In heating mode, 1oN(2oN) is the minimum temp you allow, 1oF(2oF) is the maximum temp you allow.Cooling starts at HIGH Temp [ON-Temp(1oN, 2oN)], stops at LOW Temp [OFF-Temp(1oF, 2oF)], thus for cooling MUST SET 1oN(2oN) GREATER than 1oF(2oF).In cooling mode, 1oN(2oN) is the maximum temp you allow, 1oF(2oF) is the minimum temp you allow.2. Reading temp is inaccurate?Every Pymeter controller is calibrated before come out of factory, it is reading temp accurately!Please don't compare it to common inaccurate thermostat?thermometer or temp gun. If you doubt Pymeter controller accuracy, please calibrate with ice-water mixture (it is 32F when ice is melting), and you will see which device is accurate then.3. Beeper keeps sounding?Probably it is the Alarm settings ( AL?AH?d7 ) you set are NOT the right temperature you want. AL is low temperature alarm(it sounds when current temp is AL or Lower), AH is high temperature alarm(it sounds when current temp is AH or Higher), d7 is difference alarm(it sounds when the temp deviation between sensor 1 and sensor 2 is over d7). If you don't need alarm function, please don't change the values of AL?AH?d7, the default values usually won't trigger alarm. You can factory reset by switching temp unit from F to C in setting.Please download User Manual PDF in Product information.
Lot Code:
4.2 inches
2.3 inches
1.0 pounds
10.3 inches
Additional Info:
Good Condition
Pickup Location:
5865 Chantry Drive, Columbus OH 43232
Auction Number